So as I have mentioned previously, I am a BzzAgent which means I get coupons to try products and write reviews. I also get coupons to pass along and let people know how I feel about these products. A couple of weeks ago I was accepted into the UNREAL candy BzzCampaign and received a coupon to try a bar free myself, and 5 coupons to pass along for a buy 1 get 1 free offer.
So I get my coupons, but with NO paperwork. Usually you receive with your product or coupons a sheet explaining what to do (basically test the product, share your opinion and coupons with people, and then do the activities online which are basically writing a review, a blog post, and telling them about who you gave the coupons to and what was said when you did). This is my third BzzCampaign, for the first they sent me the Dr. Scholl’s insoles I was testing, for the second they sent me some Kroger food and coupons that I had to go redeem at Kroger (not a big deal, I know where Kroger is) but for this one it was an envelope of coupons. I knew from the email I had received that the candy was available at stores like Kroger, Walgreens, and Rite Aid (plus other stores not in my area).
My first stop was Kroger since I shop there pretty regularly anyway. I looked in the candy aisle, and at the registers. I could find it no where. So then we tried Walgreens and again found nothing. I tried a Rite Aid and finally found it…but all they had were the multi-packs, dammit! So I asked a friend of mine who is also a BzzAgent and part of the campaign where she got hers (she is in a different part of Ohio ) and she said at Kroger, so I asked where specifically and she said on a display, like an endcap. So like I said I shop at Kroger often anyway, so at my next venture my husband and I looked diligently. We still found nothing and thought we were defeated yet again when as we were heading towards the checkout I spotted a candy display at the end of the an aisle in toy department, it was not the UNREAL candy, but I headed down that aisle to see if I could find more and there it was. I had finally found it in the…toy department!?! Why the heck it was in the toy department, I do not get! I understand that candy is big with kids, but I find this candy to be excellent for dieters, and those who in general just want less junk in their candy! And it is actually good tasting, or at least the one that I tried. Here is the review I wrote for BzzAgent on I encourage you to sign up if you check out the website and are interested in what you find out. Just do your homework, this can become a lot of work…not that it is hard, can just sometimes be time consuming…like when you are trying to find a damn candy bar J
My review of UNREAL candy:
I really enjoyed the UNREAL chocolate, caramel, and nouget bar. It tasted just as good as candy that is full of sugar, corn syrup, and artificial ingredients. I was amazed that this little bar was packed with 5 grams of fiber! The bar is kind of small but enough to satisfy most sweet tooth’s, and for only 170 calories. It does still have 7 grams of fat which I found to be kind of high, but most candy bars probably have twice that amount or more. It also only has 130mg of sodium. My husband tried the bar that also has peanuts, and liked that one as well (I am not a fan of peanuts, but would have loved it if one with peanut butter was offered, but I do understand the fat and calorie content in peanut butter can be pretty high).
I will definitely recommend this just about anyone, since it is important that even though we all want to treat ourselves once in awhile, those treats should be as healthy as possible. They are perfect for kids and dieters who want a treat that includes a great amount of fiber.
Check out for more info on UNREAL candy and for where to find it in your area.
*My next campaign is for Glade. I only very recently received those coupons and have not acquired my free ones yet, but I will let you know when I do.