Since there is a Kroger very close to our house and we shop there often and regularly enjoy Kroger brand products; I LOVE getting BzzCampaigns for Kroger products. Actually I LOVE getting any BzzCampaigns :) and my friends and family love it too. As a BzzAgent, I get free or reduced cost products or coupons to try products at a free or reduced price. And most of the time I get great money saving coupons to pass along to people that I “Bzz” too about those products. It is a great fit for me since I love sharing my opinion of things ;). For this Kroger BzzCampaign I received a coupon to try a free Kroger yogurt smoothie bar and $1.00 off coupons to pass out that were good for either the yogurt smoothie bars, low fat fudge bars, or low fat ice cream sandwiches. They also have fruit bars. Oh so much goodness to choose from!
My husband and I picked out the triple berry low fat yogurt smoothie bars, and they were delicious! The 3 berries are strawberry, blueberry, and raspberry; and the 3 flavors mix perfectly. At first I thought the price of $4.29 for the box was kind of steep. But when you break down the fact that since it is a box of 12 that works out to only about 35 cents per bar it is actually reasonable. Even still there is another thing to factor in though…the fact that each bar is pretty small and that because of that a serving size is actually 2 bars. So there are really only 6 servings in the box. A 2 bar serving has 100 calories, 1.5 grams fat, 20 carbohydrates, 16g sugar and 3g protein. So they are fairly diet friendly, especially in the calories and fat department. I also like that they are made with real fruit. I find them to be very satisfying too, a very creamy frozen texture.
I will definitely be buying more of these to help me with a nice low calorie and fat snack for this hot muggy summer we are experiencing lately.